March 21, 2023

Feelings in English

How to Express Your Feelings in English If you use a typical English dictionary, you’ll find that many words and phrases listed are not common in […]
March 16, 2023

Common English Words Heard in an Office

If you happen to start work in an office where English is the primary language, you may want to know a few commonly used words for […]
March 15, 2023

Common English Sayings

Commonly Used English Sayings in Casual English I’m done – Call it a day. This is used when you’re finished working or done with a particular […]
March 14, 2023

Sound Like a Native

English vs. Manglish If you’re living in Malaysia or nearby or another nearby Southeast Asian country, you may gotten used to using some shortcuts or slang […]
March 14, 2023

Easy Business English

Start-up: a brand new business or idea. The term start-up is new to the 21st century and gives the feeling of an exciting new, and potentially […]
March 9, 2023

Introducing Yourself

Introducing yourself in English to a native speaker can be quite an intimidating task. The English you learn from books and what’s spoken amongst friends is […]